Stabroek News ePaper

Grade Six English

Answers Grammar 1)who

Hello boys and girls of Grade Six! Do you want to improve your ability to point out verbs in sentences? Then stay on the page and let’s work together. You will also get ideas to do another type of writing- the expository composition. You should read the notes carefully and complete all the exercises. Enjoy your session!



- Take turns to read the sentences.


The hen lays an egg.

- The words above in bold print are called verbs. A verb can be used to make a one-word sentence. This is not so with the other parts of speech.

- Can you tell what work verbs do in sentences? Use your reference books to find out more about this part of speech.


- Read and discuss the notes.


- The verb is a very important part of speech. The shortest sentence contains a verb.

- A verb is a word that expresses action or state of being.

My sister prepares breakfast for us. (action)

Eric is tall. (state)

- Some verbs express actions that we cannot see.

I like pineapple.

The boy seems angry.

- The most common being verb is the verb ‘be’ itself in all its form.

am, is, are ,was, were, has been, have been, will be, had been.

A verb always has a subject. It tells what the subject does or is.

ON MY OWN Exercise

Pick out the verbs from these sentences.

1. Mom washes the dishes and dries them with paper towel. 2. We walk to school but travel home on the bus.

3. Who pluck the chickens then put them into bags? 4. Simone and I dislike bora but love pumpkin.

5. Ann and I are cousins and we have similar shoes.



Read and discuss the notes.

The Expository Composition

The word expository has its root in the word “expose.” The expository composition is a type of writing that is used to explain a theory or process, give information or facts on a topic. The writer’s job is to totally expose the topic in a way that makes the information clear to his/her audience. Therefore, an expository composition is made up of facts.

In general, paragraph details are arranged in the following way.

1.The beginning gives the main idea in a topic sentence.

2. The middle gives the supporting factual details.

3. The ending summarizes the main idea or draws a conclusion.

However, there are other ways to arrange the details of an expository paragraph. The choice of arrangement is based on the writer’s purpose and on the effect that he or she wants the paragraph to have on the audience.

Types of Expository Composition 1)Explaining a Process

This type of expository writing is usually used to teach a skill, explain a method or just to share knowledge.

2) Using Explanations

- Explanations may also be used when writing an expository composition. - An explanation is a detailed and specific version of giving information. - It gives details through a step-by-step approach. It means therefore that you need to have the facts in the right order.

- A detailed plan is very necessary to make sure that you include each important step in the account.


In about 120-200 words, write a composition on one of the following topics.

1.Explain how to make your favourite drink.

2.Explain to your cousin how to get from your home to the park. 3.Explain to your friend how to prepare a garden for planting vegetables.





Guyana Publications