Stabroek News ePaper

GWI repairs broken pipe at Lamaha St men’s home

The pipe that broke last Thursday in front of the St Thomas More Men’s Homestead on Lamaha Street, Kitty, Georgetown, was repaired by a crew from Guyana Water Inc (GWI) at around 10am on Monday, according to a resident of the home.

Andrew Austin told Stabroek News on Sunday that a representative of the Guyana Water Inc (GWI) had contacted the home and stated that water would be restored on Monday. Residents of the home had been trying to get GWI to repair the pipe since Thursday.

At around 6:30 am on Thursday, it was observed that the water pressure was quite low and that the yard was flooded. It was later ascertained that a truck parked on the parapet outside the building, broke the pipe that supplied water to the building. The water from the broken pipe resulted in the yard being flooded.

A representative of the men’s homestead reported the matter to GWI on Thursday and was told that someone would turn up but they did not say exactly when. No one showed up on Thursday and whatever water the occupants had in the water tanks was eventually used up. About 20 men reside in the residence.

On Friday morning, another call was made to GWI and the customer service representative informed the home that GWI was trying to get someone or a crew to come before the end of day. At about 3 pm the same day, another call was made to GWI and basically the same response was given. The homestead representative said he tried calling on Saturday morning but this time no one answered the phone and GWI’s automated system prompted him to hold the line which he did with no result. Another unsuccessful call was made at 11 am on Saturday.

Fortunately, the Guyana Fire Service helped out with water supplies on Saturday. The situation with the broken pipe remained the same on Sunday.

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